Sunday, February 9, 2014

Coming Home

I feel empty. I feel hollow. I'm an empty shell that exists just to exist. My life has no meaning now. The noise. I can't take the noise anymore. I'm close if not at my breaking point. I'm at a loss for what to do. How do I end this suffering? How do I numb the pain or make it go away? There's only one way out. I walked into the kitchen and pulled out a knife. No one will care if I die. Hell everyone already thinks I'm just a waste of space. I'm worthless. I'm nothing. I'm just doing the world a favor. I raised the knife and stabbed myself in the stomach. The pain was immense but I could feel myself being cleansed. Being cleansed of this torture. I raised the knife and stabbed myself again. I fell onto my knees and then the floor, blood pouring everywhere. I could see a light. Was it an angel? Shit. I may go to Hell for killing myself but oh well. No one will care. I'm coming home. Wait for me Mom. I'm coming home.